NaSu First Paper IQ Old Question 2078 | LokSewa Exam Preparation

LokSewa NaSu Old Question Paper
LokSewa NaSu Old Question Paper

Recently updated on June 25th, 2022 at 04:20 pm

LokSewa NaSu First Paper IQ Old Question 2078 and answers have been prepared based on the recall of students that have appeared in the examination so that you can also practice. These Nasu Old Questions may not be exactly same as those in the examination, but the purpose of the question and options are almost same. This NaSu First Paper IQ Old Question 2078 are also useful for competitive exams of various banks like Agriculture Development Bank (ADBL), Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB), Nepal Bank Limited (NBL) and other organizations. This NaSu First Paper Old Question 2078 helps you to prepare best for competitive exams and secure your seat.

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In this blog, LokSewa NaSu First Paper IQ Old Question 2078 will greatly help you to study and are useful for various competitive examinations of Agriculture Development Bank (ADBL), Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB), Nepal Bank Limited (NBL) and other organizations. The motive of this blog is to make it easier for to study and practice NaSu First Paper IQ Old Question 2078 for Loksewa, Banks and other organizations.

NaSu First Paper IQ Old Question 2078 for LokSewa and Bank exam have been collected for you to practice and score good in LokSewa exams and Bank exams.

NaSu First Paper IQ Old Question 2078 | LokSewa Exam Preparation Guide

यँहा भएका प्रश्नहरुका उत्तरहरु यदि कुनै कारणबस गलत पाईएमा, यसलाई अझ उपयोगी बनाउन अन्य कुनै सुझाबहरु भएमा कृपया सम्पर्क गर्न नबिर्सनु होला।


Recently updated on June 25th, 2022 at 04:20 pm

Your score is more than 70%, you can practice more and score good in the examination.

Recently updated on June 25th, 2022 at 04:20 pm

Your score is less than 70%, so try to practice more and score good.

#1. A Hospital has an average of 510 patients on every Sunday and 240 on other days. The average number of patients per day in a month of 30 days beginning with Sunday is

#2. सिता ६ वर्ष २ महिनाकी छन। रमन ६ वर्षको, राम ४ वर्ष ६ महिनाको छन। बिकास ४ बर्ष ८ महिनाको छ र पारस ५ बर्षको छ भने उमेरको हिसाबले गर्दा बिचमा को पर्छ होला?

#3. दिईएका चित्र मध्य कुन समुहमा मिल्दैन पत्ता लगाउनुहोस?

#4. Find the missing number in the above figure?

#5. Which of the following completes the above given matrix.

Recently updated on June 25th, 2022 at 04:20 pm

#6. दिईएको Figure Matrix मा छुटेको खन्ड कुन विकल्प सँग मिल्दछ?

#7. abcbcdcdedef......को ३०औं स्थानमा कुन alphabet पर्दछ?

#8. If × means -, + means ÷, ÷ means +, - means ×, then 8 ÷ 10 - 3 + 5 × 6 = ?

#9. Find ODD one out in the given words?

#10. एउटा लहरमा बिजय अगाडिबाट १४ औं स्थानमा पर्छ जीवन पछाडीबाट १७ औं स्थानमा पर्छ। जम्मा ४८ जना मानिस भएको उक्त लहरमा मदन, बिजय र जीवनको ठीक बिचमा पर्छ भने बिजय र मदनको बिचमा कति विध्यार्थी पर्दछन?

Recently updated on June 25th, 2022 at 04:20 pm

#11. Some Cricket players are Tennis players, some Tennis players are Hockey players but no Cricket players are Hockey players, then which of the above Venn Diagram corresponds it.

#12. माथी दिएको चित्र पुरा गर्नुहोस।

#13. If METAL is coded as LNDFSUZBKM, then TEST will be coded as ..........

#14. Find ODD one out from the given numbers?

#15. Complete the given series: 9, 8, 18, 6, 36, 4, 72, 2, 144, .....

Recently updated on June 25th, 2022 at 04:20 pm

#16. B को 5 km पश्चिममा A छ, B को 2 km उत्तरमा C बसेको छ र C को 2 km पुर्वमा D बसेको छ र D को 2 km दक्षिणमा E बसेको छ भने कुन-कुन ब्यक्तीहरु एउटै लाईनमा बसेका छन?

#17. Complete the above given figure.

#18. Which of these above figures correspond to the mirror image of the figure in (X).

#19. कुनै सामानलाई रु १८००० मा २०% छुट दीई बिक्री गर्दा ४% नोक्सान हुन्छ भने उक्त सामानको खरिद मुल्य कती होला?

#20. दुईओटा संख्याहरुको अनुपात ५:७ र ति संख्याहरुको फरक ६० भए उक्त संख्याहरु कति-कती होलान?

Recently updated on June 25th, 2022 at 04:20 pm



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