Nepal Rastra Bank NRB Syllabus for Various Positions and Levels


Here is a list of Nepal Rastra Bank NRB Syllabus for various positions in all Levels. You can read and download Nepal Rastra Bank NRB Syllabus for administrative service third class officer, assistant level pretest and subjective syllabus, commercial law syllabus, international law syllabus, legal assistant level syllabus.

You can practice NRB Old Question Paper.

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List of Nepal Rastra Bank NRB Syllabus for Various Positions and Levels

PositionNRB Syllabus PDF
NRB 3rd Class Gazetted Officer CA Open Competition SyllabusDownload
NRB Administrative Service 3rd Class Gazetted Officer Open Competition SyllabusDownload
NRB Administrative Service Assistant Level Open Competition Pretest and Subjective SyllabusDownload
NRB Administrative Service Commercial Law 3rd Class Gazetted Officer Open Competition SyllabusDownload
NRB Administrative Service International Law 3rd Class Gazetted Officer Open Competition SyllabusDownload
NRB Legal Assistant Level SyllabusDownload
List of Nepal Rastra Bank NRB Syllabus for Various Positions and Levels


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