New Salary Scale of Nepal Government Employees and Rank Position 2079


In Nepal everybody considers Government job as one of the most lucrative jobs by position, power and money, here we have tried to present you with the latest Salary Scale of Nepal Government Employees. Each and every year thousands of educated Nepali youths have been competing rigorously due to lucrative Salary Scale of Nepal Government Employees, to succeed in competitive examinations that are conducted by Lok Sewa Aayog to get selected for Government Jobs. Since, government job has been very demanding, everybody must be curious to know how much the Nepali government officials of Nepal every month. This article shall provide you with the complete understanding about the salary scale of Nepal Government Employees and Rank Position along with benefits of Government officials in Nepal from 2079 BS.

According to the budget for the fiscal year 2079/80 of Nepal, unveiled on the parliament by Finance Minister Janardan Poudel, Nepal Government has decided to increase the salary of non-gazetted government officials (Nayab Subba, Kharidar and Office Assistant) and that of gazetted officials (Section Officer, Deputy Secretary, Joint Secretary and Chief Secretary) by 15% as a whole from Shrawan 2079.
This increment has been made to increase the morale of the civil servants of Nepal so that it would lead to the effective service delivery to the general public and the nation. All government employees civil services, health services, teachers, Nepal Police, Nepal Army & Nepal APF salary scale has been increased by 15% in addition with already given allowances.
Following the pay hike, the Ministry of Finance released the latest salary sheets for the beneficiaries, which will be effective from Sharwan 2079.

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In the following table, you can see the salary scale of the government service holders in Nepal of various posts and positions. This list is the monthly salary that the officers receive from the Nepal Government.

The list includes the New Salary Scale of Nepal Government Employees.

Read more about Salary Scale of Government School Teacher in Nepal.

पद / श्रेणी (Position/Level)शुरु तलब स्केल (Starting Salary)ग्रेड संख्याग्रेड दर (Grade Rate)जम्मा (Total Salary)
मुख्य सचिव (Chief Secretary)७७,२११२,५७४८२,३५९
रा. प. विशिष्ट (Secretary)७२,०८२२,४०३७६,८८८
अ. सचिव (पेन्सन प्रयोजन)६०,४९०६०,४९०
रा प प्रथम (Joint Secretary)५६,७८७१,८९३७०,०३८
रा प द्वितिय (Deputy Secretary)४८,७३७१,६२५६१,७३७
रा प तृतिय (Section Officer)४३,६८९१,४५६५५,३३७
राजपत्र अनंकित
राजपत्र अनं. प्रथम अ. मा. पेन्सन प्रयोजन३७,७४३३७,७४३
राजपत्र अनं. प्रथम (Nayab Subba)३४,७३०१०१,१५८४६,३१०
राजपत्र अनं. द्वितिय अ. मा. पेन्सन प्रयोजन३४,००६३४,००६
राजपत्र अनं. द्वितिय (Kharidar)३२,९०२१०१,०९७४३,८७२
राजपत्र अनं. तृतिय२७,६१२९२०३४,०५२
राजपत्र अनं. चतुर्थ२६,०८२८६९३१,२९६
हेभी सवारी चालक
पाँचौ स्तर४१,५६११,३८५४७,१०१
चतुर्थ स्तर३९,८१३१,३२७४२,४६७
तृतिय स्तर३७,६२८१,२५४४०,१३६
द्वितिय स्तर३३,३३९१,१११३५,५६१
प्रथम स्तर२९,७२८९९१३१,७१०
हलुका सवारी चालक
पाँचौ स्तर३९,८१३१,३२७४५,१२१
चतुर्थ स्तर३७,६२८१,२५४४०,१३६
तृतिय स्तर३३,३३९१,१११३५,५६१
द्वितिय स्तर२९,७२८९९१३१,७१०
प्रथम स्तर२७,६१२९२०२९,४५२
पाँचौ स्तर३३,८७९१,१२९३८,३९५
चतुर्थ स्तर३०,७१७१,०२४३२,७६५
तृतिय स्तर२८,९९२९६६३०,९२४
द्वितिय स्तर२७,४०५९१३२९,२३१
प्रथम स्तर२६,०८२८६९२७,८२०
पाँचौ स्तर३३,१३२१,१०४३७,५४८
चतुर्थ स्तर२९,९६९९९९३१,९६७
तृतिय स्तर२७,८६५९२९२९,७२३
द्वितिय स्तर२६,२८९८७६२८,०४१
प्रथम स्तर२५,१८५८४०२६,८६५
कार्यालय सहयोगी
पाँचौ स्तर३२,८५६१,०९५३७,२३६
चतुर्थ स्तर२९,७२८९९१३१,७१०
तृतिय स्तर२७,६१२९२०२९,४५२
द्वितिय स्तर२६,०८२८६९२७,८२०
प्रथम स्तर२४,७०२८२३२६,३४८
Salary Scale of Nepal Government Employees

What is the salary of Chief Secretary (Mukhya Sachib) in Nepal?

The minimum salary of Chief Secretary (मुख्य सचिव) in Nepal is Rs. 77,211 and with maximum of 2 grades the salary becomes Rs. 82,359.

What is the salary of Secretary (Sachiv) in Nepal?

The minimum salary of Secretary (सचिव) in Nepal is Rs. 72,082 and with maximum of 2 grades the salary becomes Rs. 76,888.

What is the salary of Deputy Secretary (upa Sachiv) in Nepal?

The minimum salary of Deputy Secretary (उप-सचिव) in Nepal is Rs. 48,737 and with maximum of 8 grades the salary becomes Rs. 61,737.

What is the salary of Third Class Section Officer Adhikrit in Nepal?

The minimum salary of third class section officer Adhikrit in Nepal is Rs. 43,689 and with maximum of 8 grades the salary becomes Rs. 55,337.

What is the salary of Nayab Subba in Nepal?

The minimum salary of Nayab Subba in Nepal is Rs. 34,730 and with maximum of 10 grades the salary becomes Rs. 46,310.

What is the Salary of Kharidar in Nepal?

The minimum salary of Kharidar in Nepal is Rs. 32,902 and with maximum of 10 grades the salary becomes Rs. 43,872.

What is the government salary of Heavy Vehicle Driver in Nepal?

The government salary of Heavy Vehicle Driver in Nepal starts from Rs. 29,728 for first level and increases up to Rs. 41,561 for fifth level heavy driver and after receiving their respective grades, their salary ranges from Rs. 31,710 to Rs. 47,101.

What is the government salary of Light Vehicle Driver in Nepal?

The government salary of Light Vehicle Driver in Nepal starts from Rs. 27,612 for first level and increases up to Rs. 39,813 for fifth level light driver in Nepal and after receiving their respective grades, their salary ranges from Rs. 29,452 to Rs. 45,121.

What is the salary of office helper in Nepal?

The government salary of Office Helper in Nepal starts from Rs. 24,702 for first level and increases up to Rs. 32,856 for fifth level Office Helper in Nepal and after receiving their respective grades, their salary ranges from Rs. 26,348 to Rs. 37,236.


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